Scan And Find Trackers Putting You At Data Privacy Risk

Global regulatory scrutiny of cookies and trackers is rising. Do you know if your house is in order?

Sourcepoint DIAGNOSE Scan uncovers the privacy vulnerabilities of vendors hiding on your websites and apps, and arms you with the information you need to fix them. With a sample scan from Sourcepoint DIAGNOSE you can: 

  • Remediate and report on oversized cookies and downstream unauthorized tech causing poor performance
  • Analyze and assess trackers putting regulatory compliance and customers' privacy at risk
  • Take action: Identify and block invalid cookies, bots and trackers on your properties

Sourcepoint data privacy software provides comprehensive compliance support, assisting you with the insights and tools you need for key regulations such as the California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA), the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA), FTC enforcement guidelines, as well as requirements around pen register and wiretapping compliance, empowering you to confidently manage your website pixels, trackers, and cookies.

Get your free analysis

Fill out the form to get a complimentary website cookie and tracker analysis and identify your potential vulnerabilities